Thursday EVENING connect, January 16th, 2020, Sonoma.

Thursday EVENING connect, January 16th, 2020, Sonoma.



                 Appetizers and wine will be served. This is a one-off event at Layla due to the Swiss being closed this month.


Format: Our meeting has an agenda with time for you to introduce yourself to us, give us a little snapshot of who you are and what your business is - if you are in business. After this we dive into collaborations - we are BIG on collaborating with each other. Many of us use each other's services, and we also help each other make our businesses better by brainstorming and offering suggestions to each other in terms of broadening our reach or perhaps approaching our businesses differently. Other agenda items include announcement of members’ NEW products, services and events as well as celebrations. Chapter and company news communication is also featured and we have a speaker. We end our meeting with a connection activity, which enables you to effortlessly connect any member you might like to get to know more. The first 15 minutes of the meeting is mingle time before we start the agenda part of our meeting. 

Cost: $25 which includes shared appetizers and beverages. If you have special dietary needs, please advise in the notes section when registering for this meeting. YOU NEED TO BRING CASH OR CHECK. 

Cancellation: Members, your attendance is confirmed with the restaurant at noon the day prior to our meeting. Should you need to cancel after this hour, you will be charged the $25.

Arrival time: We ask that you arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting, so we have ample time to check you in and get you situated. Arrival after 5pm is disruptive to the meeting and makes everything run not very smoothly...

We provide a roster of attendees, which is printed Tuesday afternoon prior to the meeting. For your name to be included, your attendance needs to be confirmed by noon on the said Tuesday.

If there's a particular topic you would like brought up at the meeting, be it a business challenge you may be facing, an area of personal growth or skill acquisition, please submit this with your meeting registration (in the notes/comment section).

Our speaker this month is Diana Concoff Morgan, who is a member of the Petaluma Chapter. Diana is an expert in helping people grow their businesses online. Her topic is "How to use social media to monetize your passion" and her goal is for you to leave the meeting with an internet marketing strategy to grow your brand, position yourself as an expert in your field, and reach your ideal clients.

Charlotte Hart

Managing Director, Polka Dot Powerhouse,

Sonoma Chapter.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 01-16-2020 5:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 01-16-2020 7:00 pm
Capacity 24
Registered 20
Remaining Seats Available 4
Location Layla at MacArthur Place

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting